Sunday, December 20, 2009

As the belly grows...

This belly picture was taken when I was 5 months, which just made me realize that I need to take a new one since that was three weeks ago! I've learned that in just one week the belly and the boys can grow leaps and bounds! I am definitely feeling much more energized these days but am having the worst time sleeping through the night. I used to default and sleep on my back and there's no doing that anymore, so having to get used to sleeping on my side with 30lbs (yes, 30lbs so far!) of extra weight is proving to be difficult in addition to the bathroom trips every few hours. I have heard that sleeping in a recliner is the best cure all for this but I enjoy snuggling with Jared too much, so I just see this as Mother Nature's way of getting me ready for those sweet boys that will be here before we know it!

1 comment:

TBG said...

hey janet-i checked with my doctor and he said that you can do on your back if you put a pillow under one of your sides so you tilt one way or the other and arent directly on your back. hope this helps!