Saturday, January 26, 2013

Alll aboard!!

I think I have posted about this before, but there is a train museum near us that Coleman and Carter L.O.V.E.....seriously, LOVE. I have to say, it is also one of my favorite places to visit. There are TONS of old trains, taxis, and buses, and they are almost all able to be climbed on, played with, and ridden. The boys can't run fast enough from train to train (each car is different on the inside...dining car, postal, etc.), and this time they were all about the buses. Carter loved "driving" the bus, and Coleman wanted to ride. There is even a little glass container that was used at one point to collect the bus far and people have put some coins in, so of course we had to give Carter money to put into the box to make his adventure even more real. We stayed at the museum until they closed down...and even then, there were a few tantrums thrown that we had to leave.

1 comment:

Brett and Lindsey Ory said...

Hi Janet!
What train mueseum are you taking the boys to? Lucas LOVES trains and I would to take him to this museum one weekend.

Lindsey (Tidrick) Ory