Monday, January 10, 2011

New House!!

Okay, so it isn't brand new but it's new to us! We were/are so excited about our new home after looking at over 100 (yes, over 100) homes and finding one that met most of our criteria. The main hurdle we had to jump, and are going to be jumping for years to come, is that our new home was built in the mid 80's and had not been updated since. Not a huge deal since it was totally live-able but we decided to tackle having it painted and working on the kitchen for now. It's amazing what a few coats of paint and changing out some small things can do!

As I'm typing this I'm realizing that I still need to take some "after" pictures! Here are a few...the kitchen is more complete now and we are waiting on some of the hardware to come in obviously, but it is already my favorite room in the house!




Kara said...

Wow, it looks so much better!

TBG said...

wow! big difference!